Tips for navigating the holiday season as a parent
At Poppy we love being your champion for care planning. This can be for anything related to those long third trimester pregnancy days, those late postpartum nights and everything in between. During this busy holiday season there is so much going on so we've put together some care planning tips especially for you:
Strengthen social connections— The holidays are a good time to pull your people close, social connections can relieve stress and help us feel grounded. Having a fun text conversation or a zoom call with an old friend can be a great boost. Even taking time to look back at pictures and remember some fun times from the last year. It is also a good time to accept help if you need it. Care circles are for celebrations, too.
Set expectations— You do not have to put pressure on yourself to do too much. Communicate with your family and friends what your capacity and interest is in certain activities. If your relatives want to give gifts let them know the specific things your children or you need or are trying to avoid.
Keep things in perspective— Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the holiday season ends up being exhausting and overwhelming. It is not the end of the world if it isn’t perfect. Your mental and physical health are important too, so manage people's expectations of you. Remember that it does not last forever (although it may feel this way!) so schedule some time to rest after and protect that time.
Make it your own— Create your own traditions. One mom takes her kids on a treasure hunt at goodwill and they each pick one thing to take home. Another takes out her grandma's recipes and cooks them. Celebrations are different for everyone.
Nourish yourself— with regular meals, with cat naps on the couch, with a shower, with saying "yes" to help and "no" to what doesn’t work for you and your family. Whatever it is, do it, you will thank yourself later. By keeping our minds and bodies healthy, we are primed to deal with stressful situations when they arise.