Founder’s Note


Not to get too meta here, but, have you ever thought about why we refer to the Earth as “Mother Earth?” I have, a lot, actually, as we prepared for this month’s newsletter to celebrate Earth Day.

I’ve come to the conclusion that we inherently connect the ability to grow and carry life, nurture, protect, nourish and comfort to motherhood. 

I know what you’re thinking “No, shit, Simmone!” Hang with me here for a moment.

When I think about the phrase “Mother Earth,” I can’t help but to draw parallels between the journey of motherhood and our planet and how both are capable of such incredible resilience. I think about how birthing people expand beyond imagination during pregnancy and the magic of the birthing process that stretches the mind and body beyond the physical self. I think about the occurrences in nature, like the Morning Glory flower, that blooms every morning and reaches for the sun while it closes every evening to protect the precious pollen that our bees and ladybugs use to replenish the Earth with life force nourishment.

But, the opposite can also be true? 

Growing a human can be exhausting, and nurturing, protecting, nourishing and comforting others first (or always) can deplete the little energy we had reserved for ourselves. If you don’t believe me, just ask all your mama friends at home how they’ve been feeling during the pandemic!

In reflecting on the last few weeks leading up to Earth Day one thing has become clear to me. 

Since the beginning of time, no matter what is happening in the world, babies will be born and the Earth will continue to spin around the sun. For any of this to work, the Earth - and the mothers who live here - need us to be gentler, kinder, and more giving. 

When Poppy Seed Health was just an idea swirling around in my head, giving back was at the core of the mission and finding the right team that agreed with that mission was the only way we  could build the company.

I am proud to share that we are a Certified B Corporation, which means that we balance profit and purpose at the center of business decisions as it relates to our team, members, community and environment. We join a global community of leaders and companies that are using business as a force for good. 

Through our “Poppy Promise” initiative we donate a percentage of every monthly membership to local and global agencies that are doing impactful and transformative work to solve the maternal health care crisis. That is our commitment to our members and to the world.

In this edition, you’ll learn about our first Poppy Promise donation to Ryan Health Women’s and Children clinic to donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to their staff who have been working tirelessly to  serve underserved communities in New York City. You’ll also meet Nurse Kayla Preston and Atta Inc., a sculpture studio in NYC, which made the donation possible.

And I can’t forget to give a shout out to our favorite product this month, which is gentle on the Earth and bums (hint, hint!).

We may be having a special celebration for Mother Earth today, but in our book, everyday, is Earth Day.

With Love,



In Your Own Words


Spotlight: COVID-19 Maternal Health Heroes: Kayla Preston, RN