Poppy Seed Health

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In Your Own Words

Tanya and Daniel were prepared for anything after spending years trying to conceive but nothing could have prepared them for a pandemic sweeping the world. Their baby was born just 72 hours short of New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo giving the executive order, which allowed support partners back into the hospital, so Tanya birthed alone, while her husband watched on WhatsApp. 

Here’s a sneak peek of their story:

“We’ve been trying to have kids for a long time,” said Daniel. “Honestly, it’s been more like 3 years, 6 rounds of IVF, emptied every ounce of money we had because we were just so committed to having a family. Just set back after setback after setback during that process. And then the pregnancy was pretty smooth and clear sailing. We thought finally we were out of the woods. Finally! Everything is going to be great - and then this happens. COVID happens. Then we find out that I’m not able to be there for her.” 

Listen to their full story on our House Calls Webinar Series where you can also find other helpful resources for wherever you are in your pregnancy or postpartum journey during COVID-19.

Do you want to be included in next month’s edition of The Push? Send us your thoughts on what “the push” means to you in 300 words or less. Each month we’ll choose our favorite to spotlight.